
Qifan Fu

Ph.D. student
Osaka University
u670245b (at) ecs.osaka-u.ac.jp

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[Curriculum Vitae]

Short Bio

I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. in in the Graduate School of Economics at Osaka University, under the supervision of Prof. Masaru Sasaki and Prof. Fumio Ohtake.

My research interests include labor economics, public economics. My research focuses on measuring and improving the benefits and costs of policies related to the employment. I am also concerned with the impact of the environment, particularly climate change, on the labor market and human capital. Recently, my work involves utilizing climate data to estimate the impact of rising temperatures on human capital.




Address: Osaka University Toyonaka Campus

Email: fuqifan0310 (at) icloud.com

Phone: (81) 80-3913-1666

Personal Website: fqfff.github.io

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